Emla for kids

From blood tests to jabs for a foreign holiday, needles are an inevitable part of your child’s life. And let’s not forget the many immunisations they will need for school, including HPV vaccination at 12-13 years of age. Needles can be painful and unmanaged pain may lead some children to develop a fear of needles.

Why Emla?

Studies showed that applying Emla numbing cream to child’s skin helps prevent the pain caused by needle and minor skin procedures. This can help make the child feel more comfortable during these types of procedures. Emla is suitable for kids from newborns (but not premature babies) and infants to the kids at high school.

When Emla is indicated for children ?


Blood tests

Cannula (drip) insertion


Where to buy Emla?

You can buy Emla from your local pharmacy or UAE-registered online pharmacies here.

Patient Information Leaflet

For more information on how to apply Emla, download the full patient information leaflet.


Got any more questions about applying Emla to your child? Our FAQ section can help.

Emla & medical procedures

Emla numbing cream eases the pain of needles for grown ups too

MOHAP License No : UGVZ56QC-030822
